Pakr Functions

Launch pakr

Once pakr is installed, open a terminal and run the following command:


This will launch a instance of pakr

Create a project

In the pakr welcome interface enter the path to the project you wish to create, the destination folder SHOULD NOT exist.

Load a project

To load a pakr project launch the pakr program with one argument to the location of the project like below

pakr $HOME/my_example_project

Then in the interface select the Load Project Info button.

Create a component

To create a component make sure the project is loaded, then enter the component name and click Add Component like below. Pakr Example 2

Save a component

Once all changes to a component are made, select the Save/Build Project button to save the project.

Edit a component

To edit a component make sure the project is loaded, then enter the component name and click ```Edit Component``. After changes are made make sure the save the component.