Project File Docs

Docs for the pak.project.json file in every pak project

projectName [String]

The name of the project, also displayed as the title in the installer

"projectName": "Epic Project"

version [String]

Current package version

"version": "0.0.1"

orgName [String]

The organization id for the current project

"orgName": "dev.interfiber.pak"

components [Array]

Array of components to build into the final package

"components": [

Section: Components

Components are declared as objects in the project file like this:

"component_super_epic": {

the name of the object must start with component then a underscore and a name with no spaces To compile the component into the package the name must be listed in the components array.

$name [String]

Name of the component displayed to the user, this can contain spaces.

$pkgName [String]

Name of the component WITHOUT SPACES, used to generate the raw packages

$installDir [Path]

Path to the installation directory

$payloadName [String]

Name of the folder containing the payload located in the payloads folder.

$selectable [Bool]

If the component should be selectable when the user is choosing what packages to be installed

$selected [Bool]

If the component should start selected when the user is choosing what packages to be installed

$visible [Bool]

If the component should be visible to the user when choosing what packages to be installed

$scriptsFolder [Path]

Relative path to the folder containing scripts for the package For more info on scripts see the Scripts section

Section: Appearance

Appearance settings apply to the entire installer, the Appearance config allows you to change background image, license, readme, welcome, and more.

"appearance": {
    "comment": "Appearance config goes inside this json object"

$license [Path]

Relative path to the text file used for the software license. During the install the user will need to agree to this license in order to continue

$welcomeHtml [Path]

Relative path to the html file used for the welcome screen. The rendered html will be displayed to the user when the installer launches

$conclusionHtml [Path]

Relative path to the html file used for the conclusion screen. The rendered html will be displayed to the user when the install finishes with success

$readme [Path]

Relative path to the text file used for the readme screen. The contents of the readme file will be showed to the user before the install starts

$enableBackground [Bool]

Tells pak if it should look for a background config, default is false

Section: Background config

The background config is a subsection of the Appearance section, as the config for it will be placed inside the Appearance object likle below:

"appearance": {
    "$backgroundConfig": {}

Note that pak will not look for a background config unless $enableBackground is set to true in the Appearance config

$imageFile [Path]

Relative path to the image file used as the background

$align [String]

Align type for the image, types are:

center, left, right, top, bottom, topleft, topright, bottomleft, and bottomright